Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Create Customize POPUP LOV for APEX

  • Javascript Used to Get the Tabular Form Id
Example : var eleTables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
for (var i=1;i
var tId = eleTables[i].id;
var originalId = i;
var tableIds = eleTables[i].id;
tableId = tableIds;
return tableId;
} } }

  • Create the POPUP Image on tabular column
Example : var link = document.createElement('a');
var image = document.createElement('img');
var span = document.createElement('span');
  • Customize the Window open
Examlpe : w = open("wwv_flow_utilities.gen_popup_list" +
"?p_filter=" +
"&p_name=" + escape(filters) + "&p_element_index=" + escape (a1) +
"&p_form_index=" + escape('0') + "&p_max_elements=" + escape('') +
"&p_escape_html=" + escape('') + "&p_ok_to_query=" + escape('YES') +
"&p_flow_id=" + escape(appId) + "&p_page_id=" + escape(pageId) +

"&p_session_id=" + escape(l_field) + "&p_eval_value=" + escape('') +
"&p_translation=" + escape('NO') + "&p_lov_checksum=Dynamicchecksum
"winLov", "Scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=400,height=450");
if (w.opener == null) w.opener = self; w.focus();

Based on Custom POPUP(Head No Column) append the value to Select list(Product) and read only column(Description and Drawing No)
Here Return value(M2595) also customized then return to Tabular Column.

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